New Article - Assoc. Prof. Tuğba Yılmaz

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- One of our department professors, Assoc. Prof. Tuğba Yılmaz's work with Cansu Karakuş was published in Mersin University School of Medicine Lokman Hekim Journal of History of Medicine and Folk Medicine.

- Objective: The aim is to analyze Orhan Pamuk’s novel “The Museum of Innocence”, in connection with Object Relations Theory and Attachment Theory within the framework of bibliotheraphy.
Method: Attachment styles that are thought to be related to Kemal’s behavior are aimed to be explained through some texts in the book so that the relationship between them can be solved.
Results: In this analysis, it can be suggested that there might be a relationship between Kemal’s behavior and anxious and dismissive attachment styles. The result of the novel analysis has been discussed in the conclusion, which highlights the limited portrayal of the perspectives of the other main characters, Füsun and Sibel, while focusing mostly on Kemal’s unhappy moments and the contrasting attitudes he exhibits. Moreover, the Kemal’s relationship with other characters in the novel are evaluated with object relations theory and exemplified with the passages from the novel.
Conclusion: As a result of this review, it is aimed that the evaluation of the novel in terms of the use of books in psychotherapy (bibliotherapy) will contribute to the mental health professionals working actively in the field. In psychotherapies; romantic relationships, depression, separation anxiety, post-separation loss mourning period, and so on can be useful in addressing issues.


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